6" Deba (Utility) Knife / Mercer

6" Deba (Utility) Knife / Mercer

Regular price Dhs. 109.00
Handily cut fish, meat, and hard vegetables with this 6″ Deba (Utility) Knife utility blade. Its overwhelming plan makes it incredible for cutting through harder fixings. Besides, as a major
Collections:Kitchen Cutlery
Tags:Mercer Culinary
SKU: M24106
Description Additional info Reviews

    Handily cut fish, meat, and hard vegetables with this 6″ Deba (Utility) Knife utility blade. Its overwhelming plan makes it incredible for cutting through harder fixings. Besides, as a major aspect of Mercer Culinary’s Japanese-style proficient blade assortment, this piece makes certain to turn into a most loved device in your business kitchen.

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