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One can only like a kitchen thermometer if it is accurate. And when food is involved, temperature variations even to the slightest degree, makes a difference.
Culinary artists know their rules to get foods right — Stick the probe into the centre or the thickest part of the meat; on the thighs for turkey and poultry; stick the probe sideways for thin slices, like that of burgers.
But those were olden days. Simply point the infrared light at the surface for accurate temperature reading of all kinds of cooked or baked goods, without the risk of cross-contamination with the infrared food thermometer from
Like to check temperatures the old-fashioned way? We, at buyhoreca, have plenty of options for you as well…
Use the Stainless steel 6″ probe of the Winco TMT-DG6 Digital Roasting Thermometer and accurate temperature readings. The probe pierces easily into all kinds of foods and can also be used for liquids. It has a 1-7/8″ screen display and can measure temperatures in Fahrenheit ranging from -58° to 572° or in Celsius from -50° to 300°. Use it in your busy kitchen to take the guesswork out of cooking and ensure that your food is cooked to perfection every time.
Remember to wash and sanitise the probe after each use with hot, soapy water, and wipe any grease residue. Don’t forget to turn off digital thermometers to preserve battery life, and make sure everything is dry to prevent rust.
Are you a senior chef, supervising around the kitchen? Keep the Winco TMT-WD1 Waterproof Digital Thermometer in your pocket to check if the foods are thoroughly prepared by those young lads. Designed with a 2-3/4 stainless steel probe, it is perfect for use with both solids and liquids and can measure temperatures ranging from -58″ to 392″ For -50°- 200° C. This thermometer is waterproof and comes in a small compact design so it can easily fit inside an apron pocket.
Use this handy device to ensure customers receive food that is cooked to perfection every time.
Professional baristas rely on accurate temperature gauge to ensure the frothiest drinks. Now with this frothing thermometer with a temperature range of 0-220 degrees Fahrenheit, and an easy to read 1-inch dial, you too can create the perfect froth in your home or at your bar or restaurant that will help you create better coffee drinks.
Also, we have a wide range or deep fryer or candy thermometers to suit any requirements.
Looking for a specific thermometer range? You name it, we have it!
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